Codlixe Pricing

Get access to all Codlixe features
Enter a new way expressing yourself from random thoughts to valuable content, you will be happy you did.
Try Codlixe for free for 7 Days, you will not be charged if you cancel before 7 days.

Monthly Access

Renews every month


  • Voice to Content
  • Voice to Journal
  • 20 minutes per recording
  • Set & Track goals
  • Journaling prompts to help you write
  • Visualize your progress
  • Wheel of life
  • AI Suggestions

Yearly Access

Renews every year


  • Voice to Content
  • Voice to Journal
  • 20 minutes per recording
  • Set & Track goals
  • Journaling prompts to help you write
  • Visualize your progress
  • Wheel of life
  • AI Suggestions

Life Time Access

Pay once, Access for a Lifetime


  • Voice to Content
  • Voice to Journal
  • 20 minutes per recording
  • Life time access
  • All features
  • AI Suggestions
  • Journaling prompts to help you write
  • Limited slots available

Tax invoicing by Paddle after purchase

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