codlixe goal setting

Setting Goals & Journaling with the help of AI

Imagine setting goals that brings balance to every area of your life, or Writing with the help of AI journaling prompts.

codlixe goal setting

How it works

Set a goal

From your home page, go to Add Goal, Enter your goal description, Enter your goal target, eg. if your goals it "Make an income of $5,000" then your target will be 5000

Choose a Category and click Save goal, thats it, your goal has been set.

codlixe add goal

Wheel of Life

codlixe add goal

Your Wheel of Life

Your Wheel of life will show how balanced your life goals are in that month.

This will track all the goals that you have set for that month then group them into categories and compare them.

It will show you where most of your focus is.

You can also see your yearly Wheel of Life in the stats section. This will show you how balanced your goals for the year are.

AI Suggestions


Before you set any goal, Codlixe AI will give a suggestion on a goal that you can set to balance your wheel of life. AI will analyze your categories progress and suggest the best category that you must consider.

Codlixe AI has no access to your actual goals, It will only read your categories and the progress or number of goals in each category, then it will give suggestions based on that.

AI Suggestions


journaling prompts

Journaling Prompts

Do you desire to keep a journal but you are not sure what to write about?

Try Codlixe, Codlixe AI will give you journaling prompts and you can pick up from there.

Just choose a Category and your journaling prompt will be ready

This will help you to easily get started with your writing journey.